Displaying 11 - 20 of 28.
The author highlights the contradiction between the Muslim Brotherhood’s declared attitude towards Copts and the opinions of their muftī.
The author doubts the claims of the Muslim Brotherhood that their principles are against violence as a means of change.
People in the West do not respect our Islam, they do not respect our Christianity and they originally do not respect us. Such feelings create rage and pushes [youth] to these violent acts everywhere
Ayman Al-Zawahry, second most important man in Al-Qa´ida network, has written a book in which he calls all the Islamic nation to join jihad. He accuses Jews, Christians and even some Muslims of being apostates so that shedding their blood is permissible.
In the light of the continuous activities of Kifāya aiming at change, it organizes a demonstration at the Church of the Virgin in the same line, it organizes its first democratic conference on the 7th of July with different pro change movements, like “Youth for Change”, “Lawyers for Change...
Within its frenzied bids to get as many organizations and figures as possible for its National Alliance for Reform, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood is to welcome in MP Hamdīn Sabbāhī, the founder of the Karāma [Dignity] Party, the frozen Labor Party and several leftists as well as Coptic...
Rif‘at al-Sa‘īd’s leftist al-Tajammu‘ Party has attacked the Muslim Brotherhood, boycotted the Kifāya movement, flopped the reconciliation between the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) and the nine opposition parties and entered into a dialogue of the deaf with the NDP that ended up in the...
The author says that al-Qā‘ida is witnessing major changes that are negatively affecting the movement. Al-Zarqāwī has managed to spread his control over all strategic, intellectual, regulatory and financial aspects of al-Qā‘ida and nothing left for Bin Lādin and al-Zawāhrī except spiritual...
In the fiqh [Muslim jurisprudence] the word dhimmī means free non-Muslim subject living in a Muslim country, who in return for paying capital tax, receives protection and safety. As far as the dhimmīs’ beliefs and faiths are concerned, Muslims are required to leave them on their own.
Gamal Al-Banna is the brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. However close he got to the Brotherhood, he did not integrate into their group. He tried to establish a new Islamic strategy that is fit for the 21st century. He claimed that his call for Islamic revival does not evolve in the...


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