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Head of the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Bin ‘Uthmān al-Tawījrī writes about the United Nations’ decision to dedicate the first week of every February to religious harmony. He talks about the decision’s significance and discusses its three basic terms....
The author talks about a symposium that was held in Spain to discuss the role of religions in the building of peace and praises King ‘Abd Allah Bin ‘Abd al-‘Azīz and Mr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza for their contributions to interfaith dialogue.
The author accuses the West of double standards and calls for a campaign of solidarity with former French civil servant Bruno Guigue.
The horrible terrorist actions carried out by terrorist murderers in Riyadh and Khubar in Saudi Arabia are crimes against Islam and Muslims in the first place, and humanity in general. These criminal actions that were carried out in the name of Islam can be truly described as ‘organized terrorism’...
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