Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
This article sheds light on an interview with the secretary-general of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs about current Islamic problems and the relations between Muslims and the West.
The article analyzes the trend of Islamic groupsto fight their way to power under the cloak of religion.
The author considers the Azhar Takfīr thesis to be mere slander. For him it indicates unproved accusations that violate the rules of academic research. He associates the thesis with the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology, and warns of the increasing danger of terrorism that seems even reach...
Muslims in the West are responsible for showing the real image of Islam. They can play a negative role when they react in a fundamental way.
While some believe that military struggles should be used to achieve the U.S’s aims, others believe in the necessity of bridging the gap between the United States and ‘the other.’
The story of ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān who is currently incarcerated due to his role in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombings.
The author speaks about the terrorism phenomenon, which has become more complicated recently, since it has moved from using the primitive means to high-technology weapons.
The article deals with the shift in US policy from their rejection of dialogue with Islamists to their welcoming them in power, as a way to guarantee that American interests in the area remain intact.
There are many factors that have contributed to the escalation of violence among youths, including the education system, which depends on memorizing school subjects rather than understanding or discussing them, as well as unemployment, the housing crisis and overpopulation problems.
The head of the al-Ahrām Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Dr.


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