Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
`The author talks about Nabīh al-Waḥsh who claims that ‘Ābīr Ṣabrī is Takfīr because she removed her Ḥijāb, and ‘Ābīr Sabrī responds that this is a personal matter.
As a result of the long delay practiced by Egyptian security, the pastor of the Baptist Church in Upper Egyptian village of Mintūt initiated the religious rites in the newly established building of the denomination. Consequently, security forces violently stormed into the building, scattering the...
Many Christians were surprised that their religion on their identity cards had been changed.
The life of ‘Aidah, a Christian employee, was turned upside down when her family and husband learned that she had secretly converted to Islām.
A Muslim lady resorted to her Coptic friend to escape from her groom. A Coptic husband accused a Muslim man of urging his wife to escape and converting into Islām. The disappearance of a baby from al-‘Adhrā’ Church led to sectarian unrest in al- Salām city.
Ashraf Bakhīt is an Egyptian young man who was arrested eight years ago. He was proved innocent, and was supposed to have been released a long time ago, yet he remains in detention. Ashraf attributed the injustice he is undergoing to Christian clergymen. He declared that he is subjected to...
The authors report on another episode of Christian women escaping from their families and later announcing their conversion to Islām. The article shows the stories of two women who caused sectarian unrest between Christians and Muslims in Minia.
A number of Coptic citizens from the Upper Egyptian village of al- Kushh complained to Pope Shenouda III, accusing clergymen from al-Kushh’ church of violating its regulations and of appropriating some of the church’s money.
Around 4% of recent Coptic marriages have been deemed illegal. This high percentage is threatening the institution of marriage within the Church. The Church does not recognize these marriages either legally or spiritually.
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