Displaying 21 - 26 of 26.
Sawt al-Umma presents a special report on the economic and social conditions of Upper Egyptians. The report clearly accuses the Egyptian regime of neglecting the grievances of these people and of being unjust in dealing with Upper Egypt’s governorates.
Around 4% of recent Coptic marriages have been deemed illegal. This high percentage is threatening the institution of marriage within the Church. The Church does not recognize these marriages either legally or spiritually.
There are calls for an investigation into the detention of some Sudanese children, including 14-year-old Kashan Adnan, Leila, 6, Adele, 5, Amal, 3, Ibrāhīm, 2, and many others, after the sit-in in downtown Cairo was broken up by Egyptian security forces.
The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group has presented three candidates for the elections in Assiut, including Muhammad Hāmid Sharīf, a physician, in Assiut City constituency, and Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rāziq, also a physician, at the Manfalout constituency.
Stabbing incidents targeting female Christian students in al-Minyā University cause panic and fear.
Now the whole world is talking about reform, the Muslim Brotherhood does not want to miss the boat and has immediately released reform initiatives. Their initiative is very rational and polite; they spoke of citizenship and the honor of voting in elections. But is this vision compatible with the...


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