Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
In an unprecedented move, the Arab League is preparing for holding an international conference under the title "Arab-European…The image of Islam in history textbook in Europe" in the period from 12 to 14 December.
The American journalist Sandra Mackey was known in the 1980s for her book on how the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia changed from a desert unknown to many into one of the major powers influencing the fate of the world. McKay lived in Saudi Arabia for four years in which she dealt with the authorities there...
There is a confusion about the personality of Mary Magdalene. Was she a prostitute that repented or was she was one of Jesus Christ’s closest disciples? Was she the wife of Jesus Christ? or was she one of the most knowledgeable women of her time? All these questions arise when discussing one of the...
The article is about the recent film "The Passion of Christ,” directed by Mel Gibson. The author argues that the film concentrated on historical facts alone and drew from them the evidence that makes the Jews seem worse than the Romans. History itself confirms that the Romans killed Christ--...
Claude Gibel, a French editor at the ‘Libération.fr,’ believed she would be entering an unknown world, a world of religion lessons, where members of the upper class seek peace of mind and meaning in life.
US police reports have refuted the allegations by expatriate Coptic leaders on the horrid massacre of Husām Armānius, his wife and two daughters, foiling their [expatriate Coptic] attempts to turn a criminal case into a faith-related problem that could be used as a means of political pressure.
An American author named Craig Winn has recently written a book called Muhammad, Prophet of Doom: Islam’s Terrorist Dogma In Muhammad’s Own Words, in which he flagrantly alleges that it was Satan who inspired Muhammad about the Qur’an.
Sectarian strife would not exist if there were civil laws protecting religious liberties, if the government and government officials were trained to deal with such occurrences effectively and openly, and if the media played its role.


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