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The article focuses on the relations between the Shiite Iran and the extremist Sunni groups. The author believes that the political differences between Iran and the Gulf states are not based on doctrinal differences and the evidence is Iran's control on many Sunni terrorist cells in other Sunni...
‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Rāshid writes about the suffering of Christians in the Arab world. "In a couple of days, the first Christian country in the region will be established in Sudan. This independence comes at the same time where 14 million Arab Christians are suffering from bigotry and armed Islamic...
The author tries to foreshadow US President Barack Obama’s attitude toward the Arab and Muslim worlds. However, there are a lot of obstacles that seem to hinder the likelihood of an effective American role.
Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwi used to advocate Sunnī-Shī‘ah cooperation however recently he has stated that the Iranian regime is seeking to spread the Shī‘ah doctrine throughout sunnī states.
Mosques are now targeted by extremists who use it to lead civil disobedience movements and to raise funds for political and military actions.
The author expresses astonishment over the position taken by the Muslim Brotherhood group in Jordan, who supported Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqāwī in his attacks on the three hotels in Jordan, which claimed lives of scores of civilians.
For over 10 years, many Arab writers, including myself, have been warning of the leniency, not the tolerance, in dealing with extremism that spread like wildfire amongst British Muslims and immigrants.
This article discusses some of the differences between the Amman blasts and the riots in Paris.
‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Rāshid argues that it is not only wrong, but also dangerous to link the recent London bombings to foreign policy and economic reasons, as advisors tot he government have done.
US authorities have prevented the Da’iya [a man who calls for Islam], Youssef Islam, because of his opposition to the US war in Iraq. He once led a demonstration against such war but he never called for terrorism. He believes in freedom and the moderate teachings of Islam that regards murder as one...


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