Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
The author reports on a dispute over a plot of land adjoins the Monastery of St. Makarius.
A seminar was held in the Journalists’ Syndicate refuting the claims of the Emirati Ahmad al-Jawharī, who had announced that he owns a stone sculpture with the face of the Prophet Moses.
The Supreme Council for Antiquities (S.C.A.) is investigating foreign excavation missions working in Egypt after the release of a book titled ‘Israel in Sinai’ by an American archaeologist currently carrying out research in Sinai.
‘Abd al-Hamīd Qutb, General Manager of engineering sector, says that the reconstruction project of the monastery of Anbā Antonius cost L.E.36, 000,000. The project includes maintaining the monastery buildings, constructive reinforcement for the mill and the oil press, the water wheel and the Bishop...
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