Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Farīdah al-Naqqāsh laments how many Christians are leaving Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine because of the "increasing influence of armed Islamic extremism that targets Christians." She refers to a recent conference held in Lyons, France to commemorate three rational Arab intellectuals who passed away...
Farīdah al-Naqqāsh reports about the conference held in Turkey that dealt with the relationship between religion and the state.
Education is no longer a means for social upward mobility in Egypt, with 5.5 million Egyptian children unable to receive basic education.
I received an unsigned letter about a Coptic grievance. The letter is written in English with an Arabic summary. The title of the letter is “The injustices suffered by the Christian minority in Egypt.” The letter also reminds the reader of the raids conducted by armed Islamic groups against the...
In a seminar organized by the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, Copts talked about their human rights grievances. Many prejudices against Copts have recently come to the surface as seen in the events at Al-Kosheh village in Upper Egypt a couple of years ago. The incident in Upper Egypt showed...
Has President Mubarak’s call to renew religious thought been seriously tackled on all levels of the ruling party and the government-owned media or not? Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami, owned by the ruling National Democratic Party, continued its attack on secularists on the pretext that secularists are...
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