Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
One year has passed since the Maspero massacre took place and still the question of who killed the protesters is not answered. Unfortunately, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) was silent and did not reveal the outcome of investigations, which brought the army to be depicted as the...
Prominent Egyptian writer Jamāl al-Ghaytānī starts a series of articles on the churches of Egypt. In the following text he focuses on the Hanging Church in Old Cairo.
Al-Ghaytānī continues his description and comments on the Hanging Cuhurch in Old Cairo, and believes that Egyptian’s awareness of their history will not be complete unless they know the Coptic history.
Al-Ghaytānī highlights the Egyptian origin of many elements of the Hanging Church in Old Cairo. He also notes that the religious compound contains the world oldest houses of worship for the three heavenly religions.
This article contains the reply of Pope Shenouda to a demand by Wasiem Roushdi Al-Seici that the pope erase the verses of the Torah that attack Egypt.
A large number of continuities can be found in beliefs and traditions in Egypt dating back to Pharaonic times, and to understand Sufism, Jamāl al-Ghitānī argues that one must understand Egypt’s past.
Sadly one has to admit that the most prevailing phenomenon in the Arab world today is the adoption of violence and hatred as a common culture. Unlike in the 1940s and the following three decades, where Arab societies were more attracted to such values as peace, tolerance, and innovation and more...
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