Displaying 1 - 10 of 20.
‘Amr Fārūq writes about the intimidation tactics used by the Muslim Brotherhood when dealing with parliament member Majdī ‘Āshūr after he refused to withdraw from the runoff elections and parliament, as the group wanted. He added that the Brotherhood has an investigation and punishment committee,...
This article talks about the Muslim Brotherhood and elaborates on the group’s ideology and how they want to gain power.
‘Amr Fārūq writes about the role of women in the Muslim Brotherhood.
This article sheds light on the booklet issued by the Muslim Brotherhood providing guidelines on penetrating secondary school students.
A controversial amendment to personal status regulation highlights the question as to whether Coptic marriages and divorces are under the jurisdiction of the church or the state.
Walīd Fā’iq and ‘Amr Farūq report on different opinions regarding the strong belief in superstitions in Egypt.
The author reports on news about the arrest of a radical group, which police says it linked al-Qā‘idah combining a ‘sleeping cell’ in Egypt.
‘Amr Fārūq accuses Coptic activists in the West and their organizations of trying to inflame the situation in Egypt by promoting sectarianism.
The article says that a lack of supervision has provided an opportunity for the establishment of many non-governmental organizations [NGOs] whose purpose is to spread extremism.
The author vehemently attacks the Muslim Brotherhood and divulges their “devilish” plans to recruit new university students into the organization.


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