Displaying 11 - 20 of 80.
The Pope's ban on demonstrations inside churches was welcomed by secular Copts. Some requested the Grand Shaykh of the Azhar ban demonstrations outside mosques, while others called for the trial of Bishop Bīshūy, Kamilia Shehata’s husband and Bishop Abāghyūs along with everyone responsible for...
A demonstration by an organization called "Copts for the Removal of Bishop Bīshūy" has been postponed due to threats received from the Copts for Egypt organization, shortly after the Pope's banning of all demonstrations inside churches. The organization’s co-founder and Coptic activist Boulos Ramzī...
This article deals with the upcoming elections and which groups support particular candidates, in this article focusing on the Helwan constituency.
This article sheds light on the current fights in Minya due to the coming elections. Anti-Coptic leaflets are attributed to the Muslim Brotherhood and other leaflets are distributed accusing a former senior police man of illegal transactions.
‘Antar ‘Abd al-Latīf claims that the Church’s refusal to grant permission for remarriage fosters adultery and discusses various perspectives on the issue.
Expatriate Copts express “conditional” support for Al- Barād‘ī' so long as he promises to achieve complete equality between Muslims and Copts.  
A Coptic researcher, Majdī Lam‘ī, confirms that the fasting of Copts is heresy.
This article discusses the different reactions towards the announcement of Muhammad al-Barad‘ī to participate in the upcoming presidential elections. The Copts are divided into two groups. The first highly supports him, while the other stresses that he is not a politically efficient enough to reach...
Recently a number of lawyers and some other characters have appeared claiming to be a reformist movement. According to the article, those traffickers only seek fame and other personal interests through interfering in church affairs and rumors.
The author reflects on the involvement of Coptic Orthodox clergymen, especially bishops, in keeping personal huge amounts of money.


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