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Khayr reports on Khālid al-Harūb’s demand for the withdrawal of the Arab Booker Prize from Yusūf Zaydān.A desperate wife forges a conversion document to get khul‘.
The authors outline short biographies of ten Coptic figures that they believe are the most famous. The individuals include pioneers in business, culture, politics and the arts.
The sixteenth conference of the Council of the Catholic Patriarchs of the East, held in Lebanon, discussed the rapid migration of Christians from the Arab World. It referred to the practices of the state in Egypt toward Copts as being the main reason behind Coptic emigration.  
The author of the article blames the backwardness of Muslims on their inability to bridge up their differences. He says the Grand Imām’s appointment by the presidency results in religious institutions supporting the idea of obedience to the ruler.
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