Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
The author addresses Salafis’ economic activities in Egypt’s rural areas and their attempts to attract youth to their ideology through giving them working opportunities.
This article sheds light on salafism in Egypt. It points out the areas in which salafis spread and shows how powerful they are in these areas.
The danger of al-Nās religious channel is that it has no specific plans or objectives. It uses religion and gives clerics, no matter how extremist, the opportunity to promote whatever ideas they want.
Ṣūfī clerics are promoting alternative places where Muslim pilgrims can go instead of Mecca on the pretext of cutting expenses.
The author discusses the fake religious values Egyptian give to monuments and antiquities that they believe have important spiritual and religious value.
Aḥmad Pasha and Maḥmūd Samāḥah reflect on the repeated sectarian incidents in the Governorate of al-Minia, believing that poverty, vengeance and fanaticism are the keys behind the spread of sectarianism in the society of al-Minia.
Mahmūd Samāhah writes about the recent attacks on ‘Amr Khālid and his style of preaching.
Maḥmūd Samāḥah writes about the insane Muḥammad Ḥasan Muḥammad ‘Alī, who claimed to be God.
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