Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Clashes between a priest and Copts in Dār al-Salām (in the Sohag governorate) have reached the police station. Archpriest Mattá Theophilus accused Copts of planning to assassinate him. The archpriest says the plan was hatched by a deacon who was angered after the archpriest refused to buy him a...
Ramsīs al-Najjār, Legal Adviser to the Pope, announced that the Ministry Of Justice has postponed the implementation of the Family Affairs law for non-Muslims until after the Parliamentary elections. He added that there is no need for President Mubarak to implement the law during parliamentary...
Bahā’īs celebrate the New Year, and the celebration passed smoothly without any troubles.
The author reports on a book fair held at the Evangelical Church in al-Is‘āf squire, in which the church sells cheap books and other materials about the Christian faith.
Surprisingly, the Islamic Research Academy has recommended the publishing of books written by leaders of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group, believing they could enrich Islamic thinking.
In the article, two Christian sisters named Shādīyah and Bahīyah, 36 and 34 years olds, have found that they are officially recorded as Muslims as their father had temporarily converted to Islam in 1964.
Seven Coptic employees at the Ministry of Interior are accused of bribery and of falsifying identity cards of a number of Coptic citizens who had converted to Islam and then reverted to Christianity.
Although the Sharif Bible is rejected by the three Christian denominations in Egypt, it has been greatly circulated among Arab communities in Europe. The Sharif Bible is believed to be written in a language used in Islamic writings.
Sābir Mashhūr interviews Shaykh Khalīfah ‘Izzat, Imām of the central mosque in London, about the number of people embracing Islam in Britain in light of the attempts to tarnish the image of Islam in the West.
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