Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
Hudá al-Misrī writes about the cancellation of many satellite channels on the Egyptian NileSat service. She says that many others have been warned for religious violations. These instances prove the necessity of encouraging tolerance in religion. The article claims that many of these channels...
The author discusses religion and its relation to woman's protection in Egyptian society. He presents some opinions concerning the issue, saying that some feel that religion helps them to find a job and others disagree. Some specialists assure that religion doesn't prevent divorce and a famous...
Rose al-Yūsuf surveyed different social figures asking about their opinions concerning sectarian fitnah
Hudá al-Misrī writes about the visit of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom religions to Sūfī Shaykhs.
Rose al-Yūsuf writes about the danger of having religious political parties in Egypt.
This article sheds light on the faulty image reflected about Islam and Muslims due to the misconduct of some individuals working as dā‘iyahs abroad. It states a number of conditions which should characterize those who are responsible for representing Islam and the Muslims.
Hudá al-Misrī interviews Dr. Ahmad ‘Umar Hāshim, head of the People’s Assembly Religious Affairs Committee, concerning Jamāl al-Bannā’s book: ’Jināyat Qabīlat Hadathnā’ [The crime of the tribe of narrators]. Dr. Farahāt al-Munjī, former general supervisor of the Islamic Research Academy, denounced...
A Christian man has shot dead his Muslim brother-in-law and wounded his sister and niece.
A number of Egyptian women discuss why they have started to wear the niqāb.
Some nurses have abided by the minister of health’s decision that obliges nurses who deal directly with patients to remove the niqāb. Others, however, have objected to the decision, saying that wearing the niqāb is a personal freedom.


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