Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Mary Ramsīs reviews Samīr Zākhir’s book about different kinds of fasting in Orthodox Christianity.
Mary Ramsīs reviews Pastor Rafā’īl Nasr’s booklet, ‘Kayf nujīb ‘alá ‘asilat al-‘atfāl al-jinsiya’ [How would we answer children’s sexual questions]
The author interviews Emad Gad, a Coptic academic who specializes in the study of Israel and its society. He comments on the current tensions, and hopes for the future, as well as his opinion on Muslim-Christian relations within Egypt itself.
A review of Robert al-Faris’ review of Naguib Mahfouz’s previously banned novel, “Awlad Haretna” from a Christian perspective.
The authors harshly criticize the Muslim Brotherhood’s attitudes towards women and Copts.
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