Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Journalist Mājid ‘Atyyah comments on a poll published by al-Dustūr in a previous issue concluding that 63 percent of Copts support the implementation of Islamic Sharī‘ah claiming that the credibility of this study is doubted as it was fabricated by the Muslim Brotherhood during the reign of...
‘Abd al-Mun‘im Munīb explores results from studies conducted by the National Center for Social Research and the Gallup Organization that state that the majority of Egyptians wish to apply Shari‘ah as the source of law in Egypt.
Dr. Muhammad Habīb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s group first deputy was interviewed by al-Dustūr newspaper about his views on the Egyptian regime, Turkey and the possibility of Jamāl Mubārak taking power.
‘Abd al-Mun‘im Munīb reviews a book by the Jihād Group leader Dr. Tāriq al-Zumur that summarizes the ideas of the group’s ’Nonviolence Initiative’ that was declared in 1997.
The article presents a response of the author to a statement from the al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah in which it attacked the daily al-Dustūr.
‘Abd al-Mun‘im Munīb reports on a statement released by the so-called ’Shūrá Council of Egyptian Jihād Abroad’ which launched an attack against the Islamic detainees in Egyptian detention camps, and accused them of releasing introspections under pressure from the Egyptian regime.
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