Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Al-Wafd interviews Muntasir al-Zayāt, a Muslim Brotherhood lawyer, concerning reasons and solutions for fitnah in Egypt. 
The article sheds light on the repercussions of Pope Shenouda’s pledge to support Jamāl Mubārak if he is nominated to rule Egypt.
The idea of enlightenment has the power to change a society and apply the dream of a civil society. In Egyptian society this would mean getting rid of both the Coptic and Islamic salafī way of thinking, which imposes fanaticism and rejects change, as well as getting rid of the religious state.
Confirmations, denials, that the pope’s secretary Bishop Yu’annis will be investigated for the alleged circulation of a rumor about the pope dying.
The Coptic Orthodox Church is waiting for the Azhar grand imām’s opinion on prohibiting Muslims from donating to build churches.
The author highlights the declarations made by Bishop Bīshūy, secretary of the Holy Synod, concerning the defrocking of Father Zakaria Butrus.
Counsellor Najīb Jibrā’īl confirms that he will proceed with the lawsuit filed against the governmental institutions involved in changing the name of the village of Abū Hinnis as long asofficial documents are issued carrying the new name.
After the court refused to recognize Max Michel and his alleged church, 300 Copts who resorted to him to get divorce or second marriage are confused about the legitimacy of their conditions.
This article highlights the viewpoint of Bishop Bissenti of Helwān and Ma‘sara, who has attacked Max Michel, and that of Maximus, who seeks to defend himself and his ideology.
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