Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Civil rights activist, Sa<sup>c</sup>d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, told Amr Adeeb that it would be legal for Gamal Mubarak to become president if article 76 in the Egyptian constitution were to be abolished. He also advised Mohamed Elbaradei to form a back-up plan in case his seven demands aren't...
This article deals with the reaction and demonstrations of many Muslims to Israeli actions in al-Haram al-Qudsī and al-haram al-Ibrāhīmī.
Al-Dustūr writes about Ayman Nūr’s tour in Alexandria.
Muslims and Christians pray for the peace of al-Shirbīnī’s soul.
The head of Alexandria municipal council apologizes to Pope Shenouda for offenses.
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