Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
Anbā Kyrillos was born Sīdārūs Marqus Jirjis in al-Naghāmīsh village of al-Balyanā town in the Sūhāj province of southern Egypt, but his year of birth is not accurately known. He was brought up by his father to be a devout Christian, and memorized the church hymns and psalms from a young age, and...
Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church is marked with an openness to other churches and relations of amity and partnership with them. This has helped to strengthen the bonds of friendship among the different churches.  
In this article historian Mājid Kāmil, Senior Researcher at the Egyptian National Library and Archives, speaks about Dr. Bāhūr Labīb as one of the world leaders in Coptology. Dr. Pahor Labib [Bāhūr Labīb], one of the most famous scholars of Coptic Studies in Egypt and the world, was born on...
The author reports on the annual feast for the Archangel Michael and his historical Coptic churches.
تحتفل الكنيسة القبطية الارثوذكسية منذ 42 عاما في يونية من كل عام بتذكار عودة جزء من رفات القديس مارمرقس الرسول، الذي يتمتع بمكانة شديدة الاهمية في الكنيسة القبطية الارثوذكسية، الى ارض مصر وتحديدا في 24 يونيو 1968 وذلك بعد ان غاب عنها لحوالي 11 قرنا من الزمان قضاها في ايطاليا برجاء الضغط هنا للدخول...
In the article, the author tracks the history of Coptic journalism in Egypt and gives a brief account on the most important newspapers and magazines.
The author reports on the celebrations of St. Mina Church in Fam al-Khalīj, Cairo, on the occasion of the 1700th commemoration of the martyrdom of the Egyptian Saint Mīnā the Miraculous.
Kāmil writes about the life and works of a renowned Coptic Orthodox bishop, the late Bishop Gregorius, general bishop of scientific research and Coptic studies.
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