Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
Background: Cornelis Hulsman had been invited to a lecture in Hofgeismar, Germany, about his research about the violence around the Monastery of Abū Fānā, Egypt. Prof. Karl Pinggéra opened the conference with a reference to the Egyptian Holy Family tradition. Hulsman responded to this by linking...
Background: Eritrean officials give insights to their government’s social and educational development programmes and an assessment on current social statistics. Turning to the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, he talks from an Eritrean point of view about the course of the war, the role of the OAU, EU and UN...
Background: The recording contains interviews with three Eritreans who had been deported from Ethiopia. Their personal stories provide an insight to the Ethiopian deportation program and methods in this period. Side A:  The deportees tell their stories: Rosa Berhane (17): she was deported from the...
Background: Yemeni Minister of Tourism, Dr. ʿAbd al-Ṣarāfi and Yemeni officials accompanying him, speak about Western tourism to Yemen, investment opportunities and economy. He particularly addresses concerns over tourists’ safety in light of recent kidnappings, Yemeni agriculture, and the...
Background: Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians and people of other nationalities in Egypt met in Cairo to negotiate regional peace. Ehud Barak had been elected as Israeli Prime Minister in May 1999 which resulted in renewed peace negotiations. Side A:  An unidentified person speaks at the Cairo...
Background: The recordings with Turkish Ambassador Yassir Yatis (whose post has been moved from Egypt to Austria) provide an overview of Turkish relations with countries in the region including Turkish-Israeli relations in light of a recent military deal and a Turkish military operation in Iraq....
Background: This is an interview with two of the three or four last remaining Jews of Eritrea. They are speaking about the history of the Jewish community in Eritrea after the Second World War, Jewish life in Eritrea, Israel, and their own thoughts on emigrating. Side A:  One of the two remaining...
Background: Eritrean Minister of Foreign Affairs Haile Woldense provides an Eritrean view on the Eritrean-Ethiopian war and his administration’s efforts to prevent it. Side A:   The Eritrean Foreign Minister, Haile Woldense, talks in a press conference about the Eritrean-Ethiopian War. He states...
Background: The recordings with Turkish Ambassador Yassir Yatis provide an overview of Turkish relations with countries in the region. The main topic of his speech and of his answers to journalists’ questions concern Turkey’s relations with the states of Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Greece. For...
Background:  This recording concerns the history of Red Sea tourism in Egypt, the preservance of the eco-system in relation to tourism and the drop in tourism following the Luxor massacre of 1997. A German-Egyptian couple outlines their hotel business’ rise at the Egyptian Red Sea coast. In a press...


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