Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
    CIDT's Osama al-Ghazouly argues that the global Muslim reaction to alleged Western offenses is improving, but that some figures are still keen on creating the perception of conflict....    
Egypt has its own version of the American "Tea Party". Osama El Ghazoly suggests a particular path for these reformists to take to change Egypt for the better.
      As Muhammad al-Barad‘ī's "National Association Change" calls for an election boycott, CIDT's Osama al-Ghazouly looks ahead to the likely participants of November's Egyptian parliamentary election...
Osāma al-Ghazūlī describes Egypt’s history as a special land of coexistence and harmony while noting that in recent times many wish to leave this history behind in favor or sectarianism.
Osama al-Ghazoly is a seasoned journalist who we asked to evaluate the media discourse on Izbet Bushra, paying special attention to coverage given to expatriate Coptic websites. Since some of these websites make reference to human rights reports produced in Egypt, Osama has also involved these...
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