Displaying 31 - 40 of 69.
The National Council for Human Rights also denounced the displacement of some Coptic citizens of Rafah, North Sinai, upon threats by “outlaws jeopardizing order and the state itself and clashing with the values and principles of human rights”.
The Dahshūr unrest entered a new juncture on Friday (Aug. 3) after dozens of local Copts and several Coptic movements protested outside the St. Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah to reject the forced displacement of 120 Christian families. Giza Governor Dr. ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Rahman,...
During the opening of the annual forum of NGOs organized by the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) on Tuesday, the NCHR’s President Muḥammad Fāʾiq said that there can be no democracy without an active civil society to put the constitution into effect, adding that the NCHR is focusing...
The National Council for Human Rights (NCHR)'s fact-finding committee issued a report about the attack on Saint Mark Cathedral in al-'Abbāsīyyah. The report highlighted that up till now, according to the prosecution, there are no suspects in the incidents, despite filing more than 45 reports from...
The Joint Mission Analysis Centre: “The parties do not agree to the amendment of election laws”  The Joint Mission Analysis Centre said with regard to the Egyptian Parliament elections that the division among political parties hindered reaching an agreement on the amendment of election laws within...
The National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) is preparing a list with the names of forced disappearance victims that so far include 101 victims reportedly arrested by security forces.
The Egyptian Council for Human Rights condemned the terrorist attacks that Egypt has recently witnessed, describing them as crimes violating Egyptians’ human rights, especially the right to life, freedom, and personal security. The council confirmed that the attacks resulted in the killing of...
International Mission: Political parties did not conspire to modify electoral law   The Joint International Mission reviewing the Egyptian Parliamentary election has concluded that political parties did not cooperate to change election law and the legislation were approved by the Egyptian...
National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) demanded that the members of the constituent assembly should be elected from outside parliament to avoid conflict of interests.
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) handed over a memo to the president of the People's Assembly about the constitution panel. CIHRS said that the members of the constituent assembly should be outside parliament in order to protect the constitution's legitimacy.


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