Displaying 1 - 3 of 3.
On Tuesday, the Egyptian security forces raided a terrorist enclave of seven operatives in al-Amīriyyah, Cairo. They were found in possession of six automatic rifles, four cartridges, and a large amount of various kinds of ammunition. The group was planning to conduct a series of armed operations...
As talk increases of the possible collapse of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in light of recently emerged developments, the spotlight has begun to focus on the ‘Muslim Sisters’. A former Muslim Brotherhood leader describes them as “fiercer” than their male counterpoints, and experts consider them...
Atheism in Egypt has generated widespread debates in the printed media as well as on social networking websites following the 25 January 2011 Revolution, amid the growing feeling of a large sector of Egyptians of freely expressing their ideas and religious beliefs, and a shock for the Egyptian...
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