Displaying 51 - 60 of 298.
Several Coptic Orthodox Church dioceses across North America held meetings and conferences recently to discuss sexual abuse within the church. Father Būlus Ḥalīm, the official spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, said that the Diocese of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia in...
The Coptic Orthodox Church has allowed the partial reopening of churches for masses, funerals, and weddings beginning Monday, August 3, given the continued drop in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths according to data from the Egyptian Health Ministry.
The Coptic Orthodox Church is celebrating the documentary The Path of the Holy Family in Egypt as well as the publication of a book of the same name.  Both were creations of the St. George Monastery for Nuns in Old Cairo.
After more than 15 years, the theological magazine al-Nisūr returns to its readers in a new form as one of the most well-known theological publications in the Arab world, and resume the important role in theological studies that it had assumed since its original publication.
The draft of a law for Christian families in Egypt has again resulted in disagreements between churches, which were conveyed in notes sent to the government.
Controversy on social media continues after Pope Tawāḍrūs decided to allow Dr. George Ḥabīb Bibāwī to return to the Coptic Church. Bibāwī, a former teacher in the Coptic Clerical & Theological College, was excommunicated from the Coptic Orthodox Church, by the Holy Synod under Pope Shinūda III...
The Coptic Orthodox Church announced that priests from its dioceses in al-Minyā, Abū Qurqāṣ, and Sharq al-Nīl held another meeting with members from the Azharian Zone and al-Azhar University in al-Minyā to promote peace and fight misconceptions among young people. The meeting was led by Bishop...
In unified statements circulated to churches, Bishop Murqus, archbishop of Shubrā al-Khayma, and Bishop Makarios [Mākariyūs], bishop of al-Minyā and Abū Qurqāṣ, called Copts to vote in the parliamentary elections.  They said that the church calls on all of its people to go to the polls to cast...
Representatives of Egypt’s Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Churches officially submitted a draft of the personal status law for Christians in Egypt to Sharīf al-Shādhilī, advisor to Prime Minister Muṣṭafā Madbūlī.  Now the government will hand it over to parliament, so it can become law.
Dr. Munīr Ḥannā, bishop of the Anglican Episcopalian Church for Alexandria, held his first mass in Arabic at the All Saints’ Cathedral in Zamalek [al-Zamālik] after the government allowed churches to resume in person church services in light of the Coronavirus precautionary measures.  


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