Displaying 31 - 40 of 43.
The article explains how cases come to trial in Egypt. It also gives an idea about the Criminal Court Systems and Criminal Law in The State Security Courts. The administration of criminal law is more complicated than the administration of civil or administrative law. If the Niyaba [prosecution]...
The annual feast of the Holy Virgin in Deir Rafat in the Palestinian territories usually draws 3000 to 4000 pilgrims. However, this year the number was not more than 300-400 people only, due to the actual situation, especially because all the Christian Palestinians from the Palestinian territories...
Father Abusahlia criticized the Jerusalem Post for its article about "Pat Boone coming on Christian solidarity visit" (JP 27 October 2000). This article was meant to depict the solidarity of millions and millions of Christians world-wide toward Israel. Abusahlia writes there are "scores of letters...
Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace movement, has been monitoring closely the developments in the Middle East. This year, the Arab Education Institute in Bethlehem became an Affiliated Organization with the movement. Pax Christi has been organizing several fact finding missions and...
On October 25, the Jerusalem Post published an article about hundreds of Palestinian Christians fleeing the Palestinian territories. An Israeli spokesman referred in this regard to a radical sermon of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya. This article, like the sermon of the Palestinian preacher,...
Fawzy Tag El-Din wrote in the Sout Al-Azhar of October 6 about Coulson’s work on Malik Ibn Anas and says he is a Dutch orientalist who is skeptical about the Sunna. The RNSAW consulted two scholars at Leiden University, which has a centuries old tradition of the study of Islam and Arabic. Dr. J.J.G...
This article gives an overview of the Egyptian/Arab Press, including English language media, about Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and the Ibn Khaldoun Institute.
In this article, the Revd. Dr. John H. Watson comments on Adel Hamouda’s article on father Matta el-Meskeen that was published in Al-Arabi of July 23, 2000. Watson believes Hamouda’s article "is an extraordinarily interesting article for all who are concerned with the life of the Coptic Orthodox...
The full, published text of the EOHR’s Special Report on the Al-Kosheh incident.
The Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar, Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, has backed down from a month-old fatwa (legal opinion) that shook both the business community and ordinary Muslims who might want to buy a home.


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