Displaying 1 - 10 of 395.
It is important to realize that there is not one narrative about the position of Christians in Egypt. Depending on where you stand, each narrative can seem plausible. That is what makes understanding Egypt so difficult.
Anglican Archbishop Mouneer proposed the title Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe. The comparison with Europe was important to the Archbishop since it is not all rosy in Europe, yet Mr.Belder chose to focus on Egypt alone. Mr.Bas Belder is a former journalist for the...
The discussion at the CAWU seminar led to numerous comments about the contribution of former European Parliament member Bas Belder since he had based his paper on controversial Coptic political activist sources in the USA and Europe which are mostly not in line with that of church leaders and...
The concept of citizenship, the author argues, is in line with the Islamic Sharīʿa . Citizenship has already been applied by the prophet and his companions. The author is in strong disagreement with the presentation of former Dutch Member of the European Parliament Bas Belder. Belder refers, based...
The September 2020 Webinar “Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe,” led to a discussion about the so-called Covenant of ʿUmar, also known as the Capitulations of ʿUmar, a 9th-century document prohibiting church building, the rebuilding of destroyed churches, and displaying a cross on...
Mr. Bas Belder was between 1999 and 2019 one of the very few members in the European Parliament showing an active interest in the position of Christians in the Middle East. He is to be complimented for his genuine interest in Christians in the Middle East but the sources he used in his paper for...
Arab-West-Journal (AWJ) was an excellent attempt by our forner editor Jenna Ferrecchia to develop a journal to publish original work composed primarily by our undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate interns, with other contributions from staff and notable authors.   EBSCO showed interest to add...
Prof. Dr. Hassan Wagieh [Ḥassan Wajīh] is a Professor Emeritus, Linguistics Department, Faculty of Languages, at the prestigious Azhar University in Egypt. Prof. Wajīh is a long-time friend of Cornelis Hulsman, editor-in-chief of Arab-West Report/Dialogue Across Borders. In April 2022 Hulsman...
Fr. Emilio Platti (1943-2021) sadly suddenly passed away on October 25, 2021. Dutch Arabist and journalist Eildert Mulder decided to honor his memory through a book review of his latest book De Koran herontdekt, Averbode: Uitgeverij Averbode|‌Erasme N.V, 2020, 96 pages.[1] Platti’s book describes...
Paid text of Coptic Solidarity (USA) in Christian Newswire alleging that Egyptian Christian leader Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī is an ‘agent’ of President al-Sīsī. I have been a subscriber to Christian Newswire for many years now and was shocked to see such an attack on an Egyptian Christian leader by a...


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