Displaying 1 - 10 of 43.
German organization Misereor decided not to continue support for the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) after 1 July 2019 for reasons of policy change. CIDT has been supporting the Center for Arab-West Understanding in turn. Misereor has been good for around 35% of their...
Background: Cornelis Hulsman had been invited to a lecture in Hofgeismar, Germany, about his research about the violence around the Monastery of Abū Fānā, Egypt. Prof. Karl Pinggéra opened the conference with a reference to the Egyptian Holy Family tradition. Hulsman responded to this by linking...
We appreciate Mr. Cornelis Hulsman's respect to the feelings of all Christian clerics, whom we also respect, and we respect that he might have used -unintentionally or not knowing the words’ significance in the Arabic language- words that discredited them. However, this does not deny that the word...
Bishop Bīshūy, Secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod, severely criticized Cornelis Hulsman, Editor-in-Chief of the electronic news bulletin Arab-West Report (AWR), over the latter’s last week interview with al-Watan newspaper in which he accused the senior clergyman of being "sectarian”. [...
To Arab West Report, I write to thank you for your remarkable work in Egypt. In this crucial moment in Egyptian history, the importance of clarity and truth cannot be understated. In the book of John, Jesus stated that the truth sets us free. I believe Jesus is the truth, and I believe whenever we...
Cornelis Hulsman has given us on March 16 a good opportunity to know more about his activity through the news agency Arab-West Report.  
In The Name Of God Most Gracious Merciful Dear Dr. Hulsman, Thank you so much for all your sincere efforts and keenness to reach the truth and propagate it. I also appreciate your alertness to ability to not and distinguish between the truth and falsehood or alleged distortions of the truth. I am...
[Text spoken at the Missio-organized Parlamentarischer Abend in Berlin, March 15, 2011. The meeting was well attended. Seven members of parliament from different political parties participated, along with assistants of other members in parliament and diplomats of the Foreign Ministry. Dr. Otmar...
AWR latest news (edited by D.Mueller-Ehrhard,IT-consultant,Germany) Sat. Feb. 12th: By now we have found a way to reorganize work with the office still closed by people working mainly from home and abroad from The Netherlands, the U.S., Turkey and Germany. After positive developments in Egypt we...
This issue presents a number of interesting articles on cases of sedition on Egypt, further commentary on the speech of President Obama, and the recent ongoings in the Coptic Orthodox Church.


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