Displaying 11 - 20 of 80.
Saudi ambassador in Cairo Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Qattān, who is also the kingdom’s permanent envoy to the Arab League, received Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah and Dr. Hānī ‘Azīz, the chairman of Egypt Peace Lovers Association. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Ahrām, June 16, p. 6] Read text in Arabic
The Arab Socialist Alliance Party warned of sectarian instigation by Islamists for political gains in the presidential elections in their conflict with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) over power. The party called on Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate Muhammad Mursī to send...
The national security agency has intercepted a number of phone calls between those persons and some loyalists that turned out to have been made from inside Egypt, the sources added. “The armed forces coordinated with the police to deploy several fixed and mobile patrols with weaponry and tanks on...
This book attempts to expand the reader’s mind. Harari seeks to explain sapiens’ biological and social development, which explains how today’s society developed and functions, including how religions and political ideologies have been formed, from tribal deities limited to specific regions or...
The Maspero Youth Union said on Friday (February 3) said one of its members lost his right eye during clashes between demonstrators and security forces outside the interior ministry building.     “Butrus Yūsuf ‘Abd al-Masīh, a 31-year-old air condition technician for a private-sector company has...
In al-Fath newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Salafī al-Nūr Party, published a cartoon depicting two mathematical equations. The first one draws a flag of Egypt minus a copy of the Qur'ān equals a flag of Israel while the first one draws a flag of Egypt plus a copy of the Qur'ān equals dignity. [...
Al-Rahmah newspaper, owned by Salafī preacher Muhammad Hassān, published the full text of the amendments to the law regulating the Azhar affairs, lashing out at passing the law only four days before the first session of the new parliament was convened.   The paper said that Grand Shaykh of the...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III expressed heartfelt condolences for Egyptians over the deplorable incidents that followed the Egyptian league football game between Cairo's al-Ahlī and Port Said's al-Misrī in the coastal city.   The pope also wished a speedy recovery for the injured.   Bishop...
Counselor Tharwat Hammād, the examining judge investigating the October 9 Maspero clashes, ordered the release of Ibrāhīm al-Sayyād, the chief of the news sector in the Egyptian TV, on bail of LE10,000 and ‘Abd al-‘Azīz al-Hilw, a chief editor in the same sector, on bail of LE5,000.     He also...
During the celebration on the honoring ceremony hosted by the Humanitarian Relief Committee in the Doctors Syndicate families of the Maspero martyrs complained because they were described as being merely “victims”.


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