Displaying 51 - 60 of 80.
Meanwhile, Muftī of the Republic Shaykh 'Alī Jum'ah said Egyptians in general are religious and that explains why they chose that religion should have a role to play in public affairs, but this should not a source of concern for the people inside Egypt or the world   "Under no circumstances should...
Under the slogan "A Patriotic Meeting to Restore Egyptian Spirit," Shaykh Tayyīb will preside over a meeting to be attended by Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III at the Azhar office on Wednesday (January 11).   The meeting, to be attended by a host of Azhar scholars, priests, intellectuals and...
The statement underlined some controls and governing principles of these freedoms in light of the Arab Spring revolutions in a way that would preserve societal accordance and public interests in a stage of democratization in several Arab countries. The statement noted that the Azhar's call was only...
Informed sources at the Coptic Orthodox Church said the cabinet is considering the equalization of the victims of the January 2010 bombing attacks on the Two Saints Church in Alexandria to the January 25 revolution victims after the same thing was applied to the October 9 clashes off the Egyptian...
Furthermore, political groups and movements in the governorate of al-Beheira said an emergency was announced to oppose the so-called Abuhatzeira celebrations.   They also said in a joint statement that they will form human shields around the mausoleum of the Jewish cleric to deny access to “any...
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb is holding a press conference on Tuesday morning to offer the outcome of meetings of senior intellectuals and Azhar scholars throughout three sessions to adopt the Four Public Freedoms document. An Azhar source told al-Dustūr newspaper that the paper...
On the other hand, Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III said the keenness shown by Islamist groups to express feelings of endearment for Copts over the Christmas celebrations only affirm that there is still good prevailing in Egypt.   “All those calls of division and disruption of unity among...
Former Deputy Shaykh of the Azhar Mahmūd ‘Āshūr categorically dismissed that the dīyah (blood money) should be offered to the martyrs’ families against their will, adding if the dīyah is accepted without any coercion then there would be nothing wrong with that.   “In premeditated murders, there has...
Lawyers of the martyrs’ families called for applying “the severest penalty” – execution – against ousted President Husnī Mubārak, his sons Jamāl and ‘Alā’, former interior minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī and six of his top aides on charges of involvement in killing demonstrators during the January 25, 2011...
‘Isām al-‘Iryān, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), told U.S. newspaper The New York Times that "no people can support" permanent power for the military, and the Brotherhood's political party will fight for the Parliament's right to pick a future...


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