Displaying 1 - 10 of 1378.
Anglican Archbishop Mouneer proposed the title Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe. The comparison with Europe was important to the Archbishop since it is not all rosy in Europe, yet Mr.Belder chose to focus on Egypt alone. Mr.Bas Belder is a former journalist for the...
The September 2020 Webinar “Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe,” led to a discussion about the so-called Covenant of ʿUmar, also known as the Capitulations of ʿUmar, a 9th-century document prohibiting church building, the rebuilding of destroyed churches, and displaying a cross on...
Mr. Bas Belder was between 1999 and 2019 one of the very few members in the European Parliament showing an active interest in the position of Christians in the Middle East. He is to be complimented for his genuine interest in Christians in the Middle East but the sources he used in his paper for...
Greek Orthodox Archbishop ʿAṭā Allāh Ḥannā of Sebastia said that Palestinians have lost confidence in this world’s politicians, most of whom were turning a blind eye to the crimes committed against them.
Egypt’s Catholic Church participated in the conclusion of the prayer week for Christian unity at the Coptic Orthodox Church in Old Cairo.
The Higher Presidential Committee of Church Affairs in Palestine (HCC), led by Ramzī Khūrī, sent messages to churches around the globe in which it warned of Israel’s “serious escalation” against Christian presence in Jerusalem.
His Grace Bishop Awlūgiyyūs (Ologios), Bishop and Abbot of the Monastery of al-Anbā Shenūda (also known as the White Monastery or Athribian Monastery) in Sūhāg (Upper Egypt, South of Asyūṭ), has issued a statement regarding the recent fire at the monastery.
During his visit to the cities of Baghdad, Mosul and Erbil, German journalist and theologian Matthias Kopp, who is also spokesperson for the German Bishops Conference (DBK) and consultant for the Dicastery for Communication, discussed his new book The Christian Heritage in Iraq. The different stops...
Dr. Sāmī Fawzī, Archbishop of the Province of Alexandria for the Episcopal/Anglican Church in Egypt, said the Epistle of Saint Paul to Timothy emphasized the importance that all education be standardized in the light of the Bible as the only source for sound teachings.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church inaugurated the Coptic Monasticism Seminar, taking place on February 15-21 at the LOGOS Papal Center in Saint Anbā Bīshūy in Wādī al-Naṭrūn.


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