Displaying 31 - 40 of 142.
Ambassador Nabīla Makram, Egypt’s Minister of Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs, met with Fr. Julius [Yūliyyūs], bishop of the Bishopric of Public, Ecumenical and Social Services of the Coptic Orthodox Church (BLESS), and Executive Director of  Dignified Life Foundation Āya al-Qamarī....
The American Coptic Association has expressed concern towards a statement issued by more than 31 states with regards to human rights violations in Egypt.
His Holiness Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, honoured Nīvīn Al- Qabbāj, Minister of Social Solidarity, by gifting her the shield of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Centre; in appreciation of her efforts to support the rights of persons with disabilities. This...
Ambassador Nabīla Makram ʿAbd al-Shahīd, Minister of State for Immigration and Foreign Egyptian Affairs, witnessed the signing ceremony of a tripartite cooperation protocol between the Ministry of Immigration and the Coptic Orthodox Church, represented by the Bishopric of Public, Ecumenical, and...
The Christian Coptic Orthodox Youth Movement [Shabāb Kristiān], which is subject to the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Holy Synod headed by His Holiness Pope Tawāḍrūs II, announced its rejection of any insult or abuse against Islam or any religion.
Ambassador Nabīla Makram ʿAbd al- Shahīd, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad Affairs, witnessed the signing of a tripartite cooperation protocol between her ministry and the Coptic Orthodox Church represented by the “Bishopric of Public, Social and Ecumenical Services” and the...
Dr. Rev. Andrea Zakī, President of the Evangelical Community and Head of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS), praised ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sisī’s declaration of making 2022 the year of Civil Society and launching a national strategy to promote human rights in Egypt.
The Forum for Intercultural Dialogue (FID) at the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) organizes today, Tuesday, a conference entitled “The Role of Religion in Supporting Coexistence” in the presence of Minister of Endowments (al-Awqāf) Dr. Mukhtār Jumaʿa and Rev. Dr. Andrea...
The Ministry of Youth and Sports signed a memorandum of understanding with the Social Coptic Foundation for Development (EGYCOPT), on Sunday, to provide training grants for young men and women to qualify them for the needs of the labor market
Archbishop Mūsā Ibrāhīm, the official spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, announced that two cooperation agreements were signed today at the Papal Headquarters in Cairo between the Coptic Bishopric of Public, Ecumenical and Social Services (BLESS) and Egypt’s Ministry of Manpower, in the...


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