Displaying 21 - 30 of 64.
Coptic researcher Michael Aziz [Māykil ʿAzīz] sent a letter to Pope Tawāḍrūs II about the opening of a church in the name of Pope Shinūda III in 15th of May City in al-Zarāyib area, an act that is in violation of Coptic Orthodox Church rite, rules, and traditions.  
Archeologist Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, general director of Research, Archaeological Studies, and Scientific Publishing for the archeological sites in southern Sinai, confirmed that pilgrimage to the sacred Ṭūwā Valley in Sinai began when St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, went on pilgrimage...
There are many treasures buried in the streets of Cairo and we pass by them daily but they do not attract our attention, in other words we do not pay attention to them. In one of the popular areas, a building contains a precious gift lying in the land of Egypt. The Church of the League of Jerusalem...
Under the patronage of bishop Daniel, the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions celebrates the Golden Jubilee of establishing the Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia in the presence of religious and political leaders. Al-Kirāzah Magazine published an article by Pope Tawāḍrūs II reviewing the...
The Coptic Orthodox Church announced in a statement yesterday the inauguration of Mār Jirjis Church in Abū Qurqāṣ Center, Minya.
As of April 21, the Coptic Orthodox Church is commemorating the holiest 7 days in Christianity which are the last days of Christ on Earth, before his second coming.. The Holy week is preceded the celebration by the Orthodox Church of raising Lazarus on Saturday, calling it the Saturday of...
An official of the Orthodox Church, the largest church in Egypt, called on Egyptians to adopt the constitutional amendments. These amendments provide term extension for the current president ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī for two additional years after the end of his current term in 2022, while allowing...
For many decades, Copts have suffered from arbitrariness in the construction and renovation of churches. After they called again and again for issuing a law for ending such a situation and preventing the repeated incidents of sectarian strife, the June 30 Revolution erupted to revive their...
The Coptic Orthodox Church Official Spokesman Būlus Halīm stated that the registration procedures of three new churches in Indonesia are currently underway, bringing the number of Coptic Orthodox churches in there to five. 
The Coptic Orthodox Church has stated that the first phase of the renovation of the churches that were destroyed in the aftermath of the dispersal of Rab’ah and Nahdah sit ins on August 14, 2013, was completed in five governorates. 


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