Displaying 51 - 60 of 64.
Civil defense forces extinguish a fire near the bishopric of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Qinā. The fire was caused by a cigarette butt thrown on a pile of garbage.
Church sources confirm news about Bishop Yu’annis leaving his position as Pope Shenouda III’s personal secretary.
A new book by a pharmacist accuses the Orthodox church of worshipping idols.
The article discusses the al-Butrusiya Church in Cairo, a church steeped in history and notorious for the traditional ceremonies held there.
The article details the findings presented by the National Council for Human Rights on the condition of human rights in Egypt.
Subtitle:Orascom did not obtain a tender of 7.5 million pounds. After the re-bidding, it obtained it for 23 million.El-Shaab suspects corruption in the way Orascom, owned by the super rich Christian Saweres and Arab Contractors, obtained the tender to repair the Hanging Church. Orascom’s bid of 7...
Qena Criminal Court is hearing the case of an archeological dispute between the Supreme Council of Antiquities and Father Sarabamoun, the abbot of Al-Fakhouri Monastery and the secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Metropolitan of Esna. Father Sarabamoun is accused of damaging the archeological features...
The Cairo Foreign Press Association organized a visit to Coptic Old Cairo with Prof. Dr. Peter Grossmann and asked Cornelis Hulsman to write a report for the FPA Bulletin in May 2002. Hulsman pointed out that visiting Old Cairo with a scholar is very different from visiting it with Coptic clergy.
During the period from 1991 until 2000, ten antique churches were discovered in Jordan. The most important church discovered is that of St. Gregorius. The church dates back to the beginnings of the sixth century A.D. - which means that it is among the oldest churches in the world.
Tāriq al-Qādī believes that the path of the Holy Family could serve as a major tourist attraction in Egypt.


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