Displaying 21 - 30 of 137.
  Coptic Orthodox Bishop Mūsá of Youth called on all Muslim and Christian young people to seek tranquility so they can think about the future of their own country with depth, honesty and collective work.
Unknown assailants opened fire on the car Bishop Makarios in Minya while he going to visit the village of Sirū center in Abu Qurqās to give condolences to a Christian family there. On its part, the Coptic Orthodox Church issued a statement confirming that Bishop Makarios is unhurt (Ashraf Kamāl, al...
The political role and astuteness of Father Bola, Bishop of Tanta, has been analyzed, as Pope Tawadros II insisted that he represent the Church at the Constituent Assembly (aslo known as the Committee of 50) to draft the new constitution.
There is always this debate around "Clashes of Generations ", and it is better to say: "Generational Differences". There is no doubt that generations are different, and what the fathers meet in their youth is radically different from what the children are facing. However, if the youth are...
Ambassador Nabīla Makram, Minister of Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs, took part in the closing ceremonies of the 2018 Saint Mark Festival in The Virgin Mary Church at al-Zaytūn. The ceremonies witnessed the announcement of the festival’s young winners, in the presence of bishop Mūsā...
Pope Tawāḍrūs II has inaugurated the Care and Education Institute after it has been renovated.
A church source in the committee in charge of the papal elections revealed that Bishop Mūsá of Youth accepted to run, adding the bishop will officially present his papers on Saturday (May 19). Counselor Munsif Sulaymān, a member of the committee, said the initial list of candidates will be...
Bishop Makarios of Minya stated that the Church does not recognize the solutions based on customary reconciliation sessions. He added that this is because such solutions are considered an insult to the state of rule of law (Ashraf Kamāl, al-Wafd, Dec. 6, p. 2). Read original text in Arabic.
Bishop Mūsá, meanwhile, said the rates of Copts’ migration are increasing by threefold annually due to fears by the minority to coexist with the majority. He noted during a conference organized by the Arab team for Muslim-Christian dialogue in a Cairo hotel that there are four mechanisms for...
Background:The topic of this interview is the situation of young Copts in Egypt and the challenges they face in society.Side A:Bishop Mūsā starts out with numbers; informing the reporters that the youth make up 35% of the Egyptian population. Two million or more of these are Copts, divided into the...


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