Displaying 1031 - 1040 of 1370.
The author reviews a publication entitled, ‘Treasures of Coptic Art,’ that was released concurrently with the re-opening of the Coptic Museum in Cairo. She highlights factors of the book.
The article considers the role of Copts in politics and parliament. He questions why so few Copts ever attain political appointments, and presents the viewpoints of those who believe the Copts already play an adequate role in parliament, and those who believe that further involvement is necessary.
Bishop Bisantī confessed that the church took a census of the number of Copts in Egypt, which revealed that their numbers exceed 15 million.
The author questions what sources Bishop Bisantī relied on when he revealed the results of a census taken to determine the number of Copts in Egypt, especially since the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics denied authorizing any census of the number of Christians in Egypt.
The first article of the Constitution affirms the principle of citizenship regardless of the number of Muslims and Christians.
The following article presents an interview with Coptic Catholic Metropolitan Kyrillos William, bishop of Assuit. Metropolitan William speaks about the Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt in general and Assiut in particular. He provides information about the number of Coptic Catholics in Egypt and the...
The following lines present a summary of an interview with Bishop Paphnotius, author of the controversial book ‘Hatmiyyat al-Nuhūd bi al-‘Amal al-Kanasī’ [The Inevitability of Developing the Church Functions.]. Bishop Baphnotius express his viewpoints from different issues related to the Coptic...
Ṭal‘at Jār Allāh believes the state’s rejection of Pope Shenouda nominations for the Shūrá Council’s elections was a letter to the Copts who wish to integrate into political life to stay away from the church and to separate religion and politics.
al-Aḥrār published a file about the three minorities in Egypt: Copts, Shī‘ah and Nubians. The file sheds light on the historic backgrounds and the current situations of these minorities. Nāhid al-Nibrāwī, editor of the file presents an observation of reality and viewpoints of minorities leading...
The author discusses the International Labour Organization’s report, which claimed that Copts are discriminated against in Egypt, and the public response from the Minister of Labour ‘Ā’ishah ‘Abd al-Hādī. She claimed that although Copts only comprise ten per cent of the Egyptian population, they...


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