Displaying 731 - 740 of 1373.
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has decided that ID cards will suffice for referendum and elections, instead of the pink voting card. A document belonging to the ousted regime, saved from the State Security headquarters, states the ousted regime's reasons for not using the ID card. One of...
Copts who have been camping outside the Egyptian Radio and Television Union demand an end to all forms of conflicts with Muslims. They want full citizenship rights guaranteed by the Constitution. However, according to the Copts, the government does not respond to their proposals.
This article was first published in: http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2011/marchweb-only/behindegyptrevolution.html Editor AWR: Paul-Gordon Chandler gives a good picture of Christian and Muslim cooperation which does exist but he neglects the negative examples and thus his presentation has...
AWR was pleased to cooperate with Encounter, a program of ABC radio, Australia. For the interviews and transcript of ABC please check this address: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/encounter/stories/2011/3147651.htm#transcript  
My fifteen years living in Egypt has given me a lot of connections, including Egyptian diplomats, who are now providing me with stories about current developments in Egypt. It is very common among diplomats that they are ready to give visitors an off the record insight in what is happening in their...
Al-Kalimah Center for Human Rights released a press release on demolishing of the church of the two martyrs in Helwan.    
There is much to make Christians in Egypt anxious about their relationship with Muslims. On January 1, a suicide bomb killed 23 people at an Alexandria church, and today's resignation of President Hosni Mubarak signals changes that may make Christians' presence more precarious. It's no wonder that...
The Egyptian religious establishment adhered to its position of favoring stability and opposing the spread of chaos and sabotage. It has also supported the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and the five communiqués it has issued since it took over following the stepping down of President Ḥusnī...
As so many many also Worldvision called us for information. But providing information does not always result in reporting that we would agree to. We introduced Worldvision to a medical doctor who is a good friend of ours. This is what they reported:   Weeks of protests in Egypt in the midst of...
 With the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak today, pro-democracy protestors, Muslims and Christians, are celebrating in the streets of Cairo and other cities around the country. Power was handed over to the Egyptian military.   According to Open Doors, a Christian organization founded...


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