Displaying 1 - 10 of 583.
An interview/lecture from Richard Gauvain regarding the impact of Salafism in Egypt.
A fatwa secretary at the Dār al-Iftāʾ stated that slaughtering the udḥīya (sacrificial animals in Islam) in the streets is a cursed act, as said by the Prophet Muḥammad.  
Writer and intellectual Yūsuf Zīdān announced that he has accepted an invitation to debate with Shaykh Osāma al-Azharī, a renowned scholar of al-Azhar and the president’s religious advisor.
A fierce campaign has been launched recently against anyone who dares to express controversial opinions or arguments regarding religion on the grounds that one must be an expert on religion to be entitled to express an opinion on the matter.
Since the call for religious reform until this day, we have not reached agreement about the purpose of this step.
When the book ‘al-Mawāqif wa al-Mukhāṭabāt’ by al-Nafarrī was published in Cairo in 1934, the late novelist and Nobel laureate Najīb Maḥfūẓ was just 23 years old, having already graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Department of the Egyptian University, now known as Cairo University. 
The Muslim Council of Elders is participating for the first time in the 38th edition of the Foire Internationale du Livre de Tunis, or the Tunis International Book Fair, which will be held from April 19 to 28 in the Tunisian capital.
Grand Imam on al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad el-Ṭayyīb, extended his congratulations to President ʿAbd el-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī and to both the people within Egypt and in the Arab and Islamic world on the occasion of celebrating Laylat Al-Qadr.  
On Wednesday (January 10), The Cairo Criminal Court’s sentenced defendants to five years’ imprisonment terms in the retrial on the case known in the media as “Shiite sedition.”
Grand Imām of al-Azhar and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, spoke about one of al-Asmāʾ al-Ḥusna (99 Fairest Attributes of God), which is al-Ḥalīm, or the Clement.


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