Displaying 141 - 150 of 205.
A criticism of the religious media and the superficial information it introduces to people.
Contrary to what many people think, the phenomenon of the new preachers has not emerged during the past four or five months in Egypt.
A crisis arose between the American Embassy in Cairo and the Ministry of Waqfs because preachers and Qur´an readers were not able to travel to the US with Ramadan. Officials in the embassy said they informed the ministry to officially provide them with a list of nominated preachers, but...
[Hisba is a term referring to the right of a Muslim to defend public morality and suing on behalf of religion.] The article comments on one of the four books published recently by the Gama´at Al-Islamiya. The book discusses the concept of hisba. The leaders of the Gama´at admitted that hisba was...
The US accused the Azhar University of teaching students by using a strict approach that leads to extremist thinking and to the establishment of terrorism. That was why the US asked the Islamic countries to reconsider the approaches they take in religious education. The article gives the comment of...
A female Muslim dā‘īya has said in an interview that women should not wear make-up or perfume except inside their homes with their husbands.
Professor of Literature, Dr. Ahmad ‘Abd al-Hayy, criticizes the use of microphones and amplifiers by many mosque imāms during Friday sermons and loud prayers.
Qutb’s ideology was the driving force for many Islamic groups, some of whom, such as al-Takfīr Wa al-Hijra, have gone to extremes.
Dr. ‘Ammār ‘Alī Hasan argues that Muslim dā‘iyas, often seen on satellite television channels, are increasingly seen in the West as representatives of true Islam, and that they must address important issues facing Muslims.
A year after the murder of Theo Van Gogh, the Dutch director of the controversial film Submission, German academic, Hans-Peter Raddatz has received a death threat from Islamists.


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