Displaying 161 - 170 of 205.
It is now certain that the fans of the renowned Qur'an reciter Muhammad Gebril will be deprived of the pleasure of listening to his prayers and recitals during Ramadan. Gebril was notified that he would not be able to lead prayers at the mosque of Amr Ibn Al-'As during the last ten days of Ramadan...
Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi expressed his appreciation and all Muslims’ appreciation of the Azhar as the greatest Islamic reference. In an exclusive statement to Al-Liwaa Al-Islami, Al-Qaradawi denied that the World Union of Muslims Scholars whose creation was announced last month in London would...
Despite the fact that security campaigns mainly target those affiliated with the Islamic movement, you will find that many religious people are not enthusiastic about civil rights. Many of them see democracy as heresy and look suspiciously upon the multi-party system. • See art. 4: Criticism of...
People should not practice Islamic da’wa [call to Islam] unless they meet certain requirements. Those who stand on the podium of the prophet Muhammad [by calling people to embrace Islam] should have certain characteristics that are the essence of religion and not alien to it. If that person [who...
On August 30, “Al Manar Al Gadeed” magazine published an article written by Aboud Al-Zomor about reform in Egypt. The article is particularly significant because Al-Zomor was a main participant in the assassination of [former president] Anwar Al-Sadat. Al-Zomor’s article differs from what the Gama’...
We have to make a clear distinction between the problems our Muslim nation and culture have been suffering for centuries and the western demands regarding our religious education and Islamic discourse. Genuine renewal allows us to keep religious fundamentals as they are while developing a new...
It is necessary for Muslim men of religion to have their own uniform, as a way of protecting Islam against the swindlers who deform its image and deceive people by their false teachings. The idea of the uniform does not mean giving preference to men of religion over other Muslims and it does not...
Letters and telephone calls showered on Rose Al-Youssef after publishing the article titled “Ladies in the salons of depression” expressing support or rejection of the phenomenon. Remarkably enough, most of those who contacted are the husbands the ladies who host these salons. • See art. 4 Dr....
Refuting Islam’s association with terrorism, Minister of Endowments Muhammad Zaqzouq explained that terrorism contradicts the tolerant principles of Islam. He also pointed out that it is unfair to generalize and make accusation against a fifth of the world’s population as a result of the foolish...
The author discusses the issue of the renewal of [Islamic] religious discourse through the opinions of Muslim scholars and thinkers on the issue. The author presents the views of the Grand Imam of the Azhar Muhammad Sayyed, Dr. Kamal Abu Al-Magd, Abdel Sabour Marzouq, deputy head of the...


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