Displaying 81 - 90 of 161.
Amid growing anger in the Muslim world over the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, views have differed on whether it is the right time for Muslims to enter into dialogue with Denmark on freedom of expression and respect for religions. This press review highlights the opinions of two...
The article is an interview with Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi. He commented on the fiqh of facilitation that he is famous for applying, the Islamic religious discourse, the schools of Islam and the top problem of the Islamic world today. He also commented on the conditions in Iraq and the possibility of...
The article is an interview with Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi on the issue of renewing the religious discourse. He comments on the relation between renewal and ijtihad, saying that renewal means not thinking with the minds of our predecessors, but rather arriving at ijtihads for our time.
The article presents views of religious scholars on the fatwa of murder of mercy that allows stopping the use of medical equipments in cases of brain death (clinical death).
The writer discusses the different points of view concerning the meaning of “renewing the religious discourse.” He gives his opinion of Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi, a prominent Islamic scholar.
The author criticizes Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi for speaking about the Iraqi crisis, in relation to the Palestinian conflict, as a secondary issue. He said that Americans get Muslims occupied with the aggression on Iraq rather than with the issue of Palestine as they did before using Bin Laden and...
A group of Christian scholars visited Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi in the hospital where he had an operation on his knee done. The visit turned into a meeting on the importance of Islamic-Christian dialogue. Al-Jezira channel held a press conference in which it expressed sadness at the death of its...
The Islamic Jihad Movement in Iraq issued a statement describing the Iraqi president as a tyrant who caused the death of thousands of Muslims in Iraq, Kuwait and Iran. It criticized the Brotherhood general guide and Sheikh Al-Qaradawi for issuing fatwas calling to support him. It called upon all...
The author criticizes Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi for supporting the Iraqi president and comparing him to Salah Eddin Al-Ayyubi [Saladin].
Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi comments on different issues: The US war against Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, cloning and gender issues.


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