Displaying 31 - 40 of 110.
Muhammad Kāmil Yassīn writes about the aftermath of the Danish cartoon crisis, stating that the Prophet Muhammad’s reputation was maintained because of the unified reaction of Muslims around the world.
The article deals with the matter of issuing fatwas. The author calls it the “game of fatwas” and believes it is the most serious catastrophe the Islamic nation has ever suffered from. These fatwas permit killing and destruction and then turn to the opposite direction to advocate tolerance and...
These days, Saudi Arabia is witnessing very important discussions that focus on the question: to what extent is the domestic religious discourse responsible for terrorist actions and takfir fatwas? These discussions also address whether Sheikh Al-Khoudar and Sheikh Al-Fahd´s renouncement of...
The slogan which the takfīr-based groups were raising is “Kill and you will be rewarded…kill an unbeliever and you will go to paradise.” At one point, the kufār [infidels] were said to be the country's leaders and senior officials, another time they were the police officers and soldiers, tourists...
The author believes that the latest bloody and hideous bombings in Riyadh have some positive aspects. Sheikhs specialized in “terrorism fatwas” renounced their “devilish” opinions that have led to bloody massacres perpetrated by terrorists who claimed to lift the banner of Jihad. Among the most...
The bombings that took place in Riyadh and Mecca left 17 persons dead and 122 person injured. The author explains that terrorist actions are prohibited in Islam and provides an analysis of the motives of the perpetrators of terrorist operations.
The author explains the true meaning of jihad in Islam. He believes that jihad, in the sense of fighting, is not confined to Islam. All countries and societies follow the concept of jihad as they all have armed forces and ministers of defense. He admits that some Muslims altered the meaning of...
The author believes that the way the concept of jihad is used should be reconsidered, especially after the terrorist operations in Riyadh and Casablanca. He criticizes the Sheikh of the Azhar for his call to jihad against the US forces in Iraq.
The Jezira channel broadcasted a videotape in which Ayman Al-Zawahri, the second most important man in the Al-Qa´ida network, calls for attacking US, UK, Australian and Norwegian embassies and assets because of their war on Iraq.
The rector of the Azhar University asked Arab countries to possess mass destruction weapons to be able to combat any aggression, as God orders Muslims. Such thing is now important especially after the invasion of Iraq.


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