Displaying 471 - 480 of 633.
The annual celebrations of the feast of the Virgin Mary at Dayr al-Azrā’ attracted millions of Muslims and Christians and boosted economic activities in the city of Assiut.
In Samālout, al-Minya governorate, the Holy Family reached Jabal al-Tayr on their blessed journey. On the first of June every year, many Egyptians celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary.
The author here probes the repercussions concerning a recent controversial fatwa by the muftī banning statues. A number of Egyptian intellectuals and writers have criticized this fatwa, calling for the reform of religious discourse.
Pamphlets printed in Saudi Arabia appeared hours before the Shamm al- Nasīm feast in Egypt calling for preserving the Islamic identity and prohibiting Muslims from celebrating others’ feasts.
The writer reviews in this article two books concerning circumcision as a tradition....Where did it come from? Why do people perform it? Does it really have health benefits or not?
A listing of articles in the Egyptian press concerning the festival of Easter.
The president, in the celebrations held annually by the awqāf ministry to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, called on Muslims all over the world to catch up with modern developments and science.
[The RNSAW received this text from Dr. Abu Zayd for placement in the RNSAW. The text was first presented during a conference in June in Berlin, Germany] Since the occupation of Egypt by Bonaparte in 1798 Muslims have had to address the issue of secularization. Some Muslim thinkers believe Islam...
A recently held conference in Egypt about the establishment of a secularist approach to politics has stated that democracy requires secularism.
The author explains the term "Islamic secularism." Islam is an absolute religion like all other revealed religions and secularism is a relative philosophy like all other philosophies that are open to change and modification. The adjective "Islamic" gives secularism an Islamic dimension and not the...


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