Displaying 11 - 20 of 39.
AWR obtained a paper that was distributed on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 during protests by salafists in front of the Council of State, the Supreme Administrative court, demanding the release of Kāmīliyā Shihātah, a Christian woman who reportedly converted to Islam and was detained inside a church. [...
[Text spoken at the Missio-organized Parlamentarischer Abend in Berlin, March 15, 2011. The meeting was well attended. Seven members of parliament from different political parties participated, along with assistants of other members in parliament and diplomats of the Foreign Ministry. Dr. Otmar...
 AWR's managing director Hānī Labīb analyzes a paper that was distributed by salafīs downtown Cairo, protesting the alleged imprisonment of Kāmīliyā Shihātah, the wife of a priest who alegedly wanted to convert to Islam for divorce reasons.    
 Cornelis Hulsman's farewell speech given at Cairo University in June 2009.
The article presents an interview with Safwat Hijāzī discussing different issues such as those about the attacks against da‘iyahs, insulting Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, monopoly, normalization, and organ donation. He was also asked about his opinion on Christian attempts to Christianize Muslim...
The four main issues discussed in the AWR editorials are: comments and critiques on the media, Muslim-Christian and Arab-West relations, AWR activities and attention for its work and finally difficulties in running AWR
Majdī Khalīl discusses the forced disappearance of Coptic girls. The claims around this phenomenon are not new, however it is being announced more frequently. Khalīl discusses the reasons why Coptic families are more often daring to announce the disappearance of their girls, and the reasons behind...
The transcript of an interview conducted by Cornelis Hulsman with Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá, in which Mūsá provides a background of his work and publications. Mūsá further describes his own experiences and confrontations with the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt.
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman presented this text at the recent roundtable discussions of the European Institute of the Mediterranean, which were held on “Journalism and freedom of expression in the Mediterranean; responsibilities and limits.”
Subtitles:The leaders of terrorism who have escaped to London.1- The escaped terrorist Adel Abdel Hamied raises funds from the Islamic center to finance terrorism.2- Moustafa Hamza leads the training in the terrorist farms in Sudan.The author discusses the West’s involvement in terrorism in...


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