Displaying 341 - 350 of 443.
I had decided not to deal with the incidents that followed the disappearance of Wafā’ Costantine, the matter that aroused sectarian strife in Egypt. Yet I found that despite many analyses and discussions on the topic, people are still convinced that there is no sectarian strife and extremism...
This report explains the escalations following the alleged conversion of a priest’s wife to Islam. Much background is given to the cultural context that explain why such an issue is so sensitive in Egypt. The report also shows that several of the organizers of the demonstration in Cairo have done...
Several journalists consulted AWR for information about issues such as alleged conversions.
Another fit of anger is gripping the al-Malāk Church, al-Sharqīya governorate, after Samī Zakī ‘Awad, Ilyās Abu Rāmī, was reportedly kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam by the security authorities, in exactly the same fashion of groundless news reports that preceded the Wafā’ Costantine...
The same old boring story is repeated over and over again. Despite proven groundless and fabricated, many reiterate the serial of kidnapping Christian girls in collusion with the State security apparatus.
Emigrant Copts alleged 19-year-old Christian girl, Nivīn Māhir was forced to convert to Islam. They went as far as inciting the Copts of Egypt to manifest in every possible peaceful way; hunger strikes, marching in protests in front of international organizations, the Republican Palace, the...
A Christian citizen brought suit against the grand Shaykh of the Azhar on the pretext that he lured his daughter to convert to Islam and to leave her family’s house and stay with a Muslim.
Rose al-Yousuf writes that Egyptian grassroots are not interested in demonstrations of the Kifāya movement. Critique on an article about a Christian family alleging that the Grand Shaykh of the Azhar was involved in luring their daughter to Islam.
The author writes about using force in conversions and reconversions. The author does not mention Wafa’ Costantine but this article is clearly about her.
The procedures taken to keep whoever converts to Islam inside the monasteries will have serious repercussions leading to the spread of secret Islam inside the Church. Certainly there will be secret contacts between the new converts and this will in turn create intra anti-Church groups and networks.


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