Displaying 121 - 130 of 721.
The congratulation that Nāddir Bakkār Nūr Paty leader has made to Christians on his Twitter account has caused controversy in the party. Some of the party leaders rejected that congratulation and stated that it is a mistake (Sa’īd Hijāzy, al- Watan, Jan. 3, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic. http...
General ‘Abd al – Fattāh al- Sīsī, Minister of  Defense,  has congratulated the members of the armed forces, fellow Egyptians and Copts on the occasion of the New Year (Amanī Mūsá, Copts- United, Jan. 1). Read original text in Arabic.   https://www.arabwestreport.info/ar/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%86%D8...
A number of the leaders and members of al-Wafd party have visited some Islamic and Coptic charity associations to congratulate Copts on the occasion of Christmas. They gave them al-Mawlid al-Nabawī (Prophet’s Birthday) sweets to reiterate the message of national unity (Muān Abū Skīn, al-Wafd, Jan....
In a historic visit to al- Aqsá Mosque, Catholic Pope Francis, called for peace and justice. 
Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī, one of the main preachers of the Muslim Brotherhood, has called upon all Egyptians, both Christians and Muslims, to boycott the referendum to be held on the 14 and 15th of January.  On the contrary, the advisor to the grand Mufti, Ibrahīm Nigm stated that the statements...
School: "Harvest of love planted by his small heart"
The International Union for Azhar and Sūfī Youth has announced that it will hold a press conference next week to denounce the inhumane crimes committed by the Israeli army against the citizens of Gaza, as well as those committed by ISIS against Christians in al-Mosul. 
The Strong Egypt Party condemned the incidents of sectarian strife that took place in Beni Suef recently and stressed in a statement it issued yesterday (August 13), that the “bloodshed of all Egyptians is forbidden.” It further stated that Copts and Muslims have equal rights, and that the...
The behaviors of some Egyptians – Muslims and Copts – need genuine reconsideration as the Egyptians need to be convinced that establishing the pillars of a civil state is a key exit of what the nation is going through, writes ‘Abd al-Latīf al-Manāwī in an opinion article in al-Misrī al-Yawm. The...
The Egyptian Cultural Forum on Sunday (April 29) is holding a commemorative event on Pope Shenouda under the auspices of Dr. ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Hijāzī, the former prime minister, and Ambassador Ahmad al-Ghamrāwī in association with the Egyptian League for Muslims and Copts. [Muhammad al-Manādīlī, al-...


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