Displaying 851 - 860 of 902.
The Egyptian Church has played an important patriotic role throughout historical eras. Under this theme, the Minister of Culture, Dr. Farouq Hosni and General Secretary of the Higher Council of Culture, Dr. Gaber Asfour, inaugurated a symposium title: The Patriotic Role of the Egyptian Church...
Why don’t both the Pope and Sheikh Al-Azhar write a joint book on the combined issues of heavenly religions? Issues of tolerance, mutual love, discarding violence, religious freedoms etcetera, because this book would help in paving the road of mutual love and brotherhood between the children of the...
The author gives an example of the deep-rooted relation between Copts and Muslims. In Abu Tig a Christian man received the consolers in the funeral of his life-long Muslim friend, as if he wanted to proclaim that Copts and Muslims are brothers.
Charged by the Ministry of Education, Muslim and Christian experts from all national trends joined the committee to rewrite the syllabuses about the history of Egypt -- until the Ibn Khaldoun Center began to spread its sectarian ideas about minorities. A summary of interviews with a professor in...
Claims made in a recent issue of the French magazine Le Figaro about the situation regarding Copts [Coptic Christians] in Egypt are discussed.
The Minister of Education Dr. Hussein Bahaa’ Al-Din insists that the existing educational syllabuses are against extremism, addiction and ethnic discrimination, and teach tolerance and that while there is a deficiency in some syllabuses he has charged d the Higher Committee for History with the...
The Ibn Khaldoun Center is accused to take every opportunity to speak about the existence of a minority in Egypt. The author of the article, obviously, doesn’t believe the Copts are a minority. It points to the fact that the Ibn Khaldoun Center receives much financing from abroad.
The article gives an overview of all permits which were given in 1998 concerning the building and restoration of churches. 25 new building permits were given and in Assiut and el-Minia 52 permits were given to restore existing churches.
When general Habib El Adly took charge of the Ministry of Interior, he started a new security era. Some of his characteristics are calmness, self- confidence, objectivity and intelligence. General Habib El Adly is adopting the slogan " no one is above the law". The Minster also responded to...
In the previous articles in Usbua reference was made to this article. The RNSAW found the text and translated it for its readers. Maurice Sadek is accused of demanding foreign intervention to protect the Copts of Egypt. Sadek explains his views.


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