Displaying 11 - 20 of 20.
Dr. Rodolph Yanney, president of the Society of Coptic Church Studies and founder and editor of Coptic Church Review in 1980, gave the RNSAW permission to bring his articles in the Copts Digest and the Coptic Daily Digest, published in 1999, together in one report describing the factors leading to...
Naguib Mahfouz was dispossessed of a scholarship to France after his graduation because the head of the scholarships department thought that Mahfouz was a Copt. The author believes that this incident is strong evidence of the importance of Copts and the role they played in the modern history of...
The author pointed out that he had crossed out many of the comments he received on "Awan Al-Ward" because he was keen to limit the arguments around the serial in the frame of its being a dramatic work that has nothing to do with preaching religion. Also, he was surprised by an article in Al-Ahram...
The author says there is no disagreement between him and the Pope and that writing about Pope Kyrillos does not offend him. The Pope does not visit the cities and villages of Upper Egypt, while he travels several times a year to the United States and Europe because the materialistic life there...
Shebl says the series of "Awan Al-Ward" led to discussions that Egyptians were in dire need of. Before the disaster of 1967 [in reference to the defeat of the six day war], there were no discussions about the relationship between Muslims and Christians. People were dealing with their companions on...
The author believes that the serial "Awan Al-Ward" leads to sectarian conflicts rather than preventing them and clashes between the creeds of Muslims and Christians. He is of the opinion that national unity should be based on religious foundations because neither Muslims nor Christians will accept...
The author responded to three questions: - Why did the Patriarchate not issue a statement about the appearance of the Holy Virgin as Pope Kyrillos VI did? - Why did Pope Shenouda invite those who participated in the series of "Awan Al-Ward" to the iftar party he gave, although many Christians are...
Pope Shenouda and many Muslim religious men received a great number of inquiries and criticisms about the series of "Awan Al-Ward." Christians believe that the series presents the issue of the marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian woman as a matter that should be accepted by Christians out...
The author believes that the TV series "Awan al ward" (time for roses) encourages mixed marriages between Muslims and Christians in an attempt to promote "National unity." It is true, Bishay writes, that the Christian character admitted making a mistake by marrying a Muslim man. Still it is a...
An Egyptian Coptic lawyer sued to stop state television rebroadcasting the Film "Awan Al-Ward," believing that its topic is offensive to the Coptic community. This is because it mentioned the marriage of a Christian woman to a Muslim man.


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