Displaying 101 - 110 of 163.
We will not settle for the Fayyoum girls, expatriate Copts war A website of the so-called American Middle Eastern Christian Association (AMCA) has cast doubts over Islam and Muslims as well as the Qur’ān. It brings good tidings to its followers and relates the success of their endeavors to bring...
In her weekly article in al-Usbou‘, Dr. Karīmān Hamza called Egyptian Copts “the happiest minority in the world.” A week later, Mr. Nabīl cUmar wrote about the same subject in Sawt al-Umma. After I had read these two articles I could not restrain myself from feeling angry not because I am...
The article by Ms. Karīmān Hamza, published by Sawt al-Umma last week, pushed me to rewrite on sedition and Coptic problems.
The thing I liked most about Anbā Bisantī’s interview was that immense amount of candor, clarity and free expression of ideas but I was uneasy about some ideas he mentioned.
Participants of "The first international symposium of Egyptian Copts: A minority under siege.” addressed the symposium on one of three levels. The first expressed wrath at the deterioration in the state of affairs of the Copts throughout the past half – century. On the second level, participants...
The picture of linking the face of Egyptians to the Sunna, the head to the Shi’a, the heart to the Copts, and the bones to the Pharaohs, is said to be a tool to divide the nation. It focuses attention on differences and not similarities. Pope Shenouda III believes that Copts will be happier and...
The Kurds and Berbers are Muslims who joined Islam with the Arabs. The fall of the Islamic caliphate left space for nationalism to flourish and its replacement opened a gap between the Arabs and the Kurds. The Islamic way of co-existence between Arabs and Kurds is the solution to all the problems...
The article is an interview with Mohammed Hassanin Heikal. Among many questions about his relations with the late president Sadat, Camp David treaty and the Palestinian issue, he was asked whether there was a sectarian problem in Egypt or not.
The television serials "Awan Al-Ward" attracted people’s attention because it discussed the relationship between Muslims and Christians which Islam has clearly sketched out. This relation has three dimensions: human, political and a dimension related to creed. Secularists and communists speak a lot...
Editorial Board RNSAW:Drs. Cornelis Hulsman had been invited to give a lecture on his work for the RNSAW at a conference on "Media and Interreligious Dialogue" in Vienna, Austria on November 8 and 9. The conference had been organized by the International Press Institute in Vienna, the Department of...


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